Offering Satellite Dish Installation Hobart for Picture Perfect Viewing
When you mention satellite most people instantly think of Foxtel, but there is a lot more to satellite than just pay tv -although we can help you with any of your pay tv problems or queries.
The satellite system ranges in diversity from businesses using it for in store music to internet on boats and even just getting the most out of your at-home TV viewing.
At ZAXSONS, we offer satellite dish installation across Hobart from the smallest 45cm satellite dish right up to 3 metre satellite dishes or bigger. Simply get in touch and our team will find the right satellite dish for the purpose you require.
Some of the systems ZAXSONS regularly deal with are Ethnic and religious based reception from overseas to the installation of marine dishes on pleasure or commercial boats. We even direct to home satellite free to air channels you would normally see with an antenna.

The V.A.S.T Satellite System
The V.A.S.T satellite system is the solution for people who live out of range of normal receptions, such as those living in rural communities around Australia.
V.A.S.T stands for viewer access satellite television and is ran by the Australian government for people that can’t get TV reception from normal means.
V.A.S.T requires a satellite dish, decoder and registration from the relevant body so it’s only used for the purpose it was originally designed for. The exception to this is travellers are allowed temporary registrations lasting 6 months at a time but are able to be changed to different states for local content as you are travelling through.
If you are not planning on travelling you can apply for permanent registration which doesn’t need to be reapplied for at any time in the future and with no ongoing costs apart from initial setup.
Getting in touch with the satellite dish installation experts
If you’re ready to take a step towards picture perfect viewing, get in touch with our friendly team today. We also offer a great range of services to ensure your home entertainment system works perfectly, including home theatre installation, commercial sound system installation, and more.
Call ZAXSONS today on 0412 901 201 with any of your satellite requirements and we can help with all aspects of what you are wanting to achieve or install.